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Lip Pigmentation


Lip tint, not lipstick effect

Lip Blush Pigmentation is a semi-permanent colour applied to your lips. During the procedure, the colour is customized and applied to suit each individual customer's preferences.

The technique yields smooth results, improving lip scars, asymmetries, lip colour, and enhancing the contour of the lips. Unlike traditional lipsticks that may wear off quickly, lip pigmentation procedures can provide long-lasting color and definition, reducing the need for frequent touch-ups throughout the day.


Many costumers experience a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem after undergoing lip pigmentation. Once the initial healing period is over, you can enjoy the benefits of enhanced lips without the hassle of constant reapplication of lip products.


Pre Care 

- Avoid taking blood-thinning medications or supplements such as aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil, and vitamin E for at least one week before the treatment. These substances can increase the risk of bleeding and affect the healing process.

- Refrain from consuming alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours before the procedure, as they can contribute to sensitivity and increased blood flow to the lips.

- Minimize sun exposure and use sunscreen on your lips if you anticipate being outdoors frequently before the procedure. Sunburned or irritated lips may not be suitable for treatment.


After Care

- Gently clean your lips with a non-alcoholic cleanser or water and a soft paper tower/cloth . Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the treated area.

- Use a recommended healing balm provided by your technician to keep your lips moisturized and aid in the healing process. - Apply as instructed, usually multiple times a day for the first week or until the skin has fully healed.

- Avoid touching or picking at your lips to prevent infection and disruption of the pigmentation.

- Avoid applying lipstick, lip gloss, or other lip products on the treated area during the initial healing period, typically about 1-2 weeks.

- Sun exposure can fade the pigmentation and cause discomfort during healing. Use a lip balm with SPF or wear a hat when outdoors to protect your lips.

- For the first few days, avoid consuming/touching  hot or spicy foods and drinks that may irritate the treated area (use straw).

- Brush your teeth gently and avoid getting toothpaste on the treated lips. Rinse your mouth carefully after eating to avoid any contact with the healing lips.

- Follow up with your technician for any recommended touch-up sessions or follow-up appointments to assess healing and make any necessary adjustments.


Be patient: Allow your lips time to heal fully, which may take several weeks. Avoid intense physical activities or activities that may cause excessive sweating during the initial healing phase.

How long last?

The duration of the pigmentation typically goes from 10 to 15 months, according to appropriate care and lifestyle habits. A retouch appointment is necessary within 45 days post-procedure to maintain colour enhancement. Skipping the retouch or scheduling beyond 45 to 90 days can adversely affect the results. 

If a third session appointment is deemed necessary, the customer will be advised accordingly and provided with an additional 90-day window to schedule a second retouch procedure.

For procedures scheduled more than 3 months after any initial procedures, a Touch-Up fee will be applied instead of a Retouch fee.


A no-show fee will be applied after the buffer time, amounting to 50% of the total price.


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